Umm argh? :P I really enjoy doing this stuff but I feel like I'm being slow and falling behind :( Tried to do some at home but my Photoshop is being rubbish and is missing the animation window among other things. I can't create exact ppi's and other stuff either. How hard is it to make 16bit? So I thinks I need a new version of PS!! Also - anyone noticed that none of the Adobe CS3 web suite is installed in the IT Centre? How are we supposed to do work outside of class on Fireworks, Dreamweaver, Flash or PS? Oh and wanna know something more stupid? - The IT Centre doesn't have Flash plug-ins installed either. If they don't want people looking at flash games and stuff just block the sites!
So here's the start of my Portfolio work - image for a Winter Festival card :D

I tried it in greyscale, without any fills and with pastel colours but this looked best using the correct colours. On to the next! :D
good is an understatement lol its the best game ever even better that halo 2 :)
yeh me scott and another guy completed it 8 hours after release :) but i missed the second lvl so gotta go back and do it, we tried yesterday but it crashed half way through :( dont think it wants me to complete it. oh and the new brutes are pretty cool yeh but die just as easy :P
lol i couldnt tell u even if i wanted to i was that tired we w8ed up all night bought it the second it came out went home played it none stop, it was very tiring lol. was easier than i thought though we did it on legendry with 3 people :)
According to Duncan Adobe is installed on precisely ten(ask at desk) of the IT Centre computers in order to keep costs down.
As for'd be referring to the Firefox plugin I guess?
It is certainly a pain.
The Adobe licencing means that there is no site licence. AFAIK, each copy has to be bought and paid for. The only 'discount' would be that the College is VAT-excempt.
I've read somewhere that the collective of Scottish colleges are in discussion with Adobe to get some sort of mass deal on their software. I hope it happens.
You could also try the Macs in the ITC. Just work on a copy of the PSD file, or have a separate pen drive for the Mac work.
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